I AM Jenna, and I have information to share that is important to your health.

"Sexual violence affects everyone." - RAINN.org. If you doubt this statement, consider these alarming statistics, especially if you're a college student.

Having served as a Domestic Violence, Rape, and Sexual Assault advocate, my focus was primarily on crisis intervention, providing tools for survivors to acknowledge and process trauma. However, over the years, I found myself pondering, "What more can be done?" It became evident to me that as a society, we were addressing the symptoms of a widespread pandemic without sufficient emphasis on preventing sexual violence, prosecuting perpetrators, and supporting survivors.

My realization of these gaps stemmed from personal experiences and conversations with survivors, as well as close friends and family who faced challenges due to the lack of effective systems and support. These discussions prompted me to reflect deeply on issues of inequity, information dissemination, and support structures.

In many conversations and in reflecting on my own upbringing, there was a shared understanding that we weren't taught about healthy relationships, consent, or boundaries during our formative years. Whether growing up in unhealthy families or lacking clear examples, we entered high school or college with little guidance, leading to a confusing and sometimes detrimental shift in our lives.

I vividly recall a student asking, "How do I know what a healthy relationship is if I've never seen or been in one?" This question marked the beginning of my journey in advocating for healthy relationships, consent, and boundaries. I firmly believe that achieving a world free from violence requires a multifaceted approach encompassing education, support, judicial measures, and PREVENTION.

My chosen method involves helping college students grasp the significance of healthy relationships and sexual interactions, emphasizing their impact on well-being and that of others. Engaging in healthy relationships is an act of self-love, and I am here to share insights and provide guidance.



Ready to bring me to your campus?

Make room to learn more about healthy relationships and how your engagement in healthy ones can help prevent sexual violence. Let’s start the conversation by clicking below.

Read what they are saying…