healthy relationships

I find there is a profound respect for humanity when we learn and actively practice healthy relationships.

For years, I have devoted both my professional and personal time to guiding individuals in crisis. In my role as a domestic violence, rape, and sexual assault advocate, I supported people in understanding their rights, developing safety plans, and gaining insights into the cycle of violence. Additionally, as a mentor to young women in college and the early stages of their careers, I assisted them in exploring boundaries, professional goals, and relationship goals.

My commitment extended nationwide as I traveled, conducting workshops for young adults on various personal development topics. Drawing upon my wealth of experience, I established The I AM Journey as a platform to share knowledge with young adults and their families. The focus is on imparting essential understanding about healthy relationships, boundaries, and consent, empowering individuals to engage in meaningful relationships and prevent sexual violence.

What I Do


Public Speaking

As a dedicated public speaker on sexual assault prevention, I am passionate about fostering awareness and creating positive shifts in our communities.

I would love to speak at your next event addressing crucial topics such as healthy relationships, consent, and boundaries.

Schedule a meeting with me, and together, we can create an event that sparks meaningful conversations and contributes to a safer community.


Are you focused on tackling college sexual assault head-on? Your search ends here. I’m committed to sparking vital conversation on this critical issue. I am eager to partner with you on podcasts, workshops, and provocative articles that make a difference.

Let’s collaborate on your podcast, bring knowledge to your institution, or collaborate on compelling articles shedding light on the realities of college sexual assault. Together, let’s drive positive change.

Day of Service

Are you passionate about creating positive change and supporting survivors of sexual assault? Imagine the impact we can make together!

I'm on a mission to foster a community dedicated to ending sexual assault and empowering survivors and would love to sponsor your next Day of Service filled with meaningful projects and impactful discussions.

Let’s explore this avenue together.

Speaker bio, program topics, and more are just a click away.