Press Release: Bridging The Information Gap For Student Survivors Through A Day Of Service 


Bridging The Information Gap For Student Survivors Through A Day Of Service 

On November 12, 2022, Callisto, I Am Journey, Latinas Promoviendo Comunidad/ Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc., and End Rape on Campus will be sponsoring a Day of Service to support the development of the Campus Accountability Map + Tool (CAMT). The CAMT will empower current and prospective student survivors and their communities with the ability to view in-depth information on each institution’s sexual assault investigation policies, prevention efforts, and available survivor support resources as well as high-level statistics on definitions, trainings, sanctions and investigations. The map also allows users to compare these metrics between schools and gain a better understanding of what policies look like across the nation through a user-friendly interface.

Kenyora Parham, Executive Director of End Rape On Campus, shared her gratitude for this collaborative effort. “We are grateful to Callisto, I Am Journey, and Latina Promoviendo Communidad/Lambda Phi Chi Sorority, Inc. and its members for volunteering their time to help us develop our Campus Accountability Map and Tool, launching in early 2023. CAMT aims to empower students and their families with the ability to understand how schools prioritize safety for their community and make informed decisions that are centered on transparency and accountability. Created, built, and developed by survivors, advocates, parents, campus administrators, and lawyers, we know that advocating to prevent and end campus sexual violence can’t be done in a silo–it takes everyone to band together to not only support one another but to shift our culture to one of safety and respect,” Kenyora Parham, Executive Director of End Rape On Campus.

“Making sure that student survivors know the full range of their options post-assault is central to the work we do at Callisto. The ability to pull together people-power to help realize the development of the CAMT will be key to ensuring that students and families have access to information about how campuses prevent and respond to incidents of sexual violence at their fingertips” shared, Sarayfah Bolling, Callisto’s Director of Programs and Strategic Engagement.

The Day of Service is being hosted during a period on college campuses known as the “Red Zone.” The Red Zone, late August up to Thanksgiving Break, is where more than 50% of college sexual assaults take place. Statistically, college students, especially women and nonbinary students, experience SA at a rate 3-4x times higher than their peers. As organizations that serve college students with identities at the margin, we felt that it was imperative that we use our collective power to ensure the success of the tool. 

"As a survivor and advocate who works with college students, I know how valuable the Campus Accountability Tool and Map will be to survivors. Being able to access information that supports you in one place allows survivors to make the decisions that are best for them. I will be able to recommend a resource that puts survivors first and that is life changing."  - Jennifer Almonte, Owner, The I Am Journey

Eva Sosa Grandison, National President of Latinas Promoviendo Comunidad/Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc. believes that “collaborating with EROC to build the CAM Tool aligns with our Sorority's mission to empower women, promote community service and Latino cultural awareness. We are excited for this opportunity to mobilize our members in this important effort to end campus sexual violence.”

This virtual event is open to anyone who would like to participate in our Day of Service to help EROC meet their goal of adding 500 campuses ahead of the launch in January. If you would like to join us, please register here


For inquiries about the press release or Day of Service, please contact us


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