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A Radical Act of Self Love: Healthy Relationships, Consent and Boundaries

A Radical Act of Self Love: Healthy Relationships, Consent and Boundaries

You’ve prepared to return to college to start your academic year by getting your books and other essentials but have you prepared to engage in healthy and new experiences? Everyone deserves to have healthy relationships and interactions; whether it’s in dating, sports, hooking up, attending a party, or engaging in fraternity/sorority life. 

Let’s explore these topics and how we can have a healthier college experience during this 1 hours discussion.

Register for this event HERE.

Note: No legal advice or medical advice is being provided during this session. This virtual event is strictly for informative and awareness purposes and nothing discussed should be construed as legal or medical advice. Please consult a legal professional or mental health professional should you need more information about your specific circumstances.

April 21

Undocumented Survivors of IPV and SA as it relates to Covid-19

March 23

Healthy Relationships